Tuesday, 9 December 2014

So Much Frustration

It feels like ages since I wrote here last time.
Well, it's been ages. 
I don't even want to look at my last blog post in order to check the date. 
That's how long it's been. 
My New Year's resolution will be to write more, I think. 

Since we're already discussing the topic of writing, let me continue elaborating on that. My current frustration is rooted in writing, you see, or rather in my incapability of doing so.

I'm just bubbling and bustling with inspiration, and it wants out! However, I have a distinct lack of ideas, or, so I tell myself. But, that is a lie! I have plenty of ideas, but these are not what I feel like writing at the moment, and I'm the kind of person who needs to feel in order to write. 

I have this great idea, but it's just beyond my reach. I can almost taste it, sense it vaguely, and I've already made three attempts on capturing it. But no, it just keeps slipping through my fingers. Escaping my mind every time I make an approach. Thus, the inspiration has been unable to work itself out of my system and has slowly turned into frustration. And let me tell you, frustration-turned-inspiration is horrible. 

My first attempt depicted a person with a burnt face standing in the soothing rain. The raindrops tasted of salt and iron. 

My second attempt told about a slave whose collar grew tighter and tighter (if this was figuratively or literally I'm not sure). The slave was suffering, wondering in desperation how this had happened to them - they had always been a very cherished slave - all while their master towered above them, laughing maliciously at the slave's naïvety.

My third attempt turned out describing fingers playing with snow that was warm (or alternatively the one playing with the snow was immune to the cold). 

But that's all that came out of my rather lengthy (attempted) writing session. 

I know the most important thing about writing isn't producing solid text all the time, but all the unspent inspiration inside me has coiled into a big, gnawing lump that I cannot get rid of. And it is extremely frustrating. I cannot sleep, I cannot think clearly, I cannot concentrate on anything else because of that untouched creativity deposit. 


At least one good thing came out of this. If anything this has made me more determined than ever to keep on writing, and I'll try to improve as a blogger as well. However, I wonder if I need a theme, something that would be the main focus of my blog. Perhaps this would make it easier to keep writing regularly. The only problem is, I have no idea what kind of theme to pick... So, please, all and any suggestions are very welcome and will be considered as possible themes for this blog from here on now.