Saturday, 26 September 2015


A very common word - bird.

Yet, this is a word that already has a multitude of established associations.

It makes it difficult for me to associate freely.

My mind, incessantly, gets ensnared in notions such as freedom, peace, death and sacrifice.

That's the degree of influence society holds over us. 

Although I've never really paid it much mind before, I now find it somewhat unsettling... 

It's like mind control.

All this from a simple word - bird. 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Poemish something something...


Cold sweat,
pricking my skin,
runnign through my bones.

chilling my blood,
dripping from my brow.

choking my lungs,
drumming in my ears.

Help me.


That feeling when you freeze, 
Your head is empty, dizzy, filled with fog.
You know you have to do something, but what. 
Instinct? Intellect? 
Which should you trust?
What should you do?

That's the feeling that fueled this poemish somoething something...

Also; my pageview-count today: 666... should I take this as an omen? 

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


So, as I am sure everyone can tell only one week has passed since I last posted here.... *cough, cough*

Well, anyways. Today's word is inn.

Somehow, whenever I hear the word inn, I immediately think 'fantasy'. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings with it's The Prancing Pony or RPGs like Dragon Age, Skyrim or the likes. Inns whichever way you look, almost.

These are all good and nice associations, and I am glad they still top what next comes into mind. Namely, one summer I spent a few weeks working at this horrible Bed and Breakfast... And when I say horrible I really mean it.

The location was beautiful enough. It felt close to nature and was great for talking walks and such. The house, not an inn but close enough, was in an extremely bad state though. Even to the point where I'd call it health hazardous... I still shudder when I think back at that house. And the owner, well, he was no better.

Nowadays I can look back at my time there and laugh, but at the time it was not so much fun. There was absolutely nothing of the homely coziness that I, in my fantasy-infused mind, associate with inns, and it was even worse than those bawdy, noisy inns that also pop up here and there in the fantasy genre.

With that I shall wrap up my reminiscences about past work-experiences, and also bring this blog-post to an end.

Inn and out!

Friday, 6 March 2015


There are about a million and five things I could write about upon seeing the word pen.
But, as I am busy I will keep it simple.

Pens made me think of drawing, something I do whenever I can find the time to spare.
I also enjoy water-colouring. And, as I'm sure some users of watercolours also have done, I have made the infamous mistake of drinking the water I use to clean the brushes... Blergh!
It's funny how your brain can short-circuit in that way.

Anyways, this leads me to today's subject, which is kind of similar.

I was drinking beer from a glass, which I usually don't, but it was a large can and in order to keep it cold I opted for a glass while keeping the can in the refrigerator. So, eventually I finished my large can of beer and decided to drink some water. So I filled the glass with water, drank some of it, and replaced the glass to were I usually keep it (stupidly just next to my laptop).

After a while I found myself craving more beer, and having anticipated this possibility I had also purchased a small can of beer in addition to the large one. This time I chose to drink straight out of the can.

Well, placing the can (stupidly) next to my computer I continued working on my current project. The time ticked by and soon I found it was time for another mouthful of beer, so I grab the glass and drank. I drank a few mouthfuls, as a matter of fact, before I noticed it was water. I thought it tasted kind of bland and not so bubbly, but not until I actually swallowed a few mouthfuls did it occur to me I was drinking water...

I mean, how dense is my brain?

Heh, somehow I find it all quite funny.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015


So, the word of the day is balcony... When I saw this I almost instantaneously regretted my 'oh so amazing' idea from the other day. However, I shall stay true to my word (stupid though as it might have been to agree to write about basically anything) and see this through. So, let's see how this works out.

To me balconies can be either invigorating or extremely confining.

My first instinct was to say that this depended on the view - beautiful landscapes equal invigoration and urban milieus stand for the confinement - but the more I thought about it the more I came to realise that this wasn't the case at all. I mean, the view from my balcony is anything but breathtaking. It's just cars, some trees, a road and a couple of tower blocks - nothing all too special in other words. Still, I like being out there.

So, perhaps what I find important is not actually the view but rather the balcony itself.

I like balconies to have a small space for me to sit down with my thoughts. A place where I can quietly observe the world below without being a direct part of it. As long as I have this I couldn't care less whether it's a lake, a forest, a highway or a bunch of semi-detached houses that I'm resting my eyes on. Every place has it's own story to tell. Anything can be inspirational.

A confining balcony on the other hand, well... think of it as a lump of concrete slabbed onto a wall, and so small you can barely stand out there... Not too enticing if you ask me... I mean, I just don't see the point of such a balcony as a window would fill precisely the same purpose.

No, balconies should be like a breath of fresh air where I can drink my coffee in peace.

Me and the world - separated and yet so close...

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

An Idea

I promised myself to start blogging more this year, and so far I am doing rather poorly on that front. But, it's never too late to change, right?

I have finally reached a decision. 

My major problem was that I felt like I had absolutely nothing to blog about, at least most days... Now this problem should be solved, because I have come up with an amazing way to both challenge and inspire myself to write more. What I'll do is I'll use a random word generator and then blog about whatever word I'm given. 

Seeing as the topics can be very varied I imagine some blog post will remain relatively short or just come out plain weird... But, hey, it could turn out to be really interesting, too. 

I aiming for about one post per week as a minimum, and I guess we'll see how it goes from now on. 

Wish me luck :) 

Friday, 6 February 2015


Slow is the Heartbeat of a Dying Animal

At the side of the road
All alone in the snow
Lies an animal writhing in pain

No one cares, no one sees
This trashed little dear
To busy they are to take note

But someone will cry
Because kitty is gone
Just vanished without any trace

Then as cold grows the night
The heartbeats will die
And kitty will be no more

...something I had to write in order to deal with my inner turmoil over things passed...