But, as I am busy I will keep it simple.
Pens made me think of drawing, something I do whenever I can find the time to spare.
I also enjoy water-colouring. And, as I'm sure some users of watercolours also have done, I have made the infamous mistake of drinking the water I use to clean the brushes... Blergh!
It's funny how your brain can short-circuit in that way.
Anyways, this leads me to today's subject, which is kind of similar.
I was drinking beer from a glass, which I usually don't, but it was a large can and in order to keep it cold I opted for a glass while keeping the can in the refrigerator. So, eventually I finished my large can of beer and decided to drink some water. So I filled the glass with water, drank some of it, and replaced the glass to were I usually keep it (stupidly just next to my laptop).
After a while I found myself craving more beer, and having anticipated this possibility I had also purchased a small can of beer in addition to the large one. This time I chose to drink straight out of the can.
Well, placing the can (stupidly) next to my computer I continued working on my current project. The time ticked by and soon I found it was time for another mouthful of beer, so I grab the glass and drank. I drank a few mouthfuls, as a matter of fact, before I noticed it was water. I thought it tasted kind of bland and not so bubbly, but not until I actually swallowed a few mouthfuls did it occur to me I was drinking water...
I mean, how dense is my brain?
Heh, somehow I find it all quite funny.
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