Wednesday, 25 February 2015


So, the word of the day is balcony... When I saw this I almost instantaneously regretted my 'oh so amazing' idea from the other day. However, I shall stay true to my word (stupid though as it might have been to agree to write about basically anything) and see this through. So, let's see how this works out.

To me balconies can be either invigorating or extremely confining.

My first instinct was to say that this depended on the view - beautiful landscapes equal invigoration and urban milieus stand for the confinement - but the more I thought about it the more I came to realise that this wasn't the case at all. I mean, the view from my balcony is anything but breathtaking. It's just cars, some trees, a road and a couple of tower blocks - nothing all too special in other words. Still, I like being out there.

So, perhaps what I find important is not actually the view but rather the balcony itself.

I like balconies to have a small space for me to sit down with my thoughts. A place where I can quietly observe the world below without being a direct part of it. As long as I have this I couldn't care less whether it's a lake, a forest, a highway or a bunch of semi-detached houses that I'm resting my eyes on. Every place has it's own story to tell. Anything can be inspirational.

A confining balcony on the other hand, well... think of it as a lump of concrete slabbed onto a wall, and so small you can barely stand out there... Not too enticing if you ask me... I mean, I just don't see the point of such a balcony as a window would fill precisely the same purpose.

No, balconies should be like a breath of fresh air where I can drink my coffee in peace.

Me and the world - separated and yet so close...

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